The CIS Team

This blog is specially created by the CIS Team consist of Yuting, Janice, Wanni, Zi Yang and Thomas for an assignment base project, the blog will focus on 5 different aspects of sports around the world, bringing you lastest coverage of the news. So, stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sneak peek at the game itself!

Hi once again! Before I start anything, please be aware that this whole post will be all about how the game is played, the positions, rules and every little thing about this sport.

So for those who have no idea what this sport is all about, YOU DEFINITELY HAVE TO READ THIS POST!

Okay! So lets get started.
Let's talk about the basic.

What is netball?
(In wiki definition) Netball is a ball sport played between two teams of seven players. The sport shares many similarities with basketball, having been derived from early versions of women's basketball. It developed as a distinct sport in the 1890s in England, from where it spread to other countries. Netball is popular inCommonwealth nations and is predominantly played by women.

Yeap, like super wordy right? I know I know. :)

Just pay attention to the first few lines will do!

Its like women's basketball, but in another version.

I would say that Netball is a particularly fast and highly skilled sport.

Now lets talk about how netball is played:

- There are a total of 7 players on each team.

- The main aim of the game is to get the ball into the opposing goal hoop as many times as possible throughout a 60 minute match.

- The netball court is 100 ft long by 50 ft wide, approximately the size of a tennis court.

- The court is split by two lines that divide the court into thirds.

- At both ends of the court there is a shooting semicircle and a ten ft goal post with no back board.

- Each team member has a specific position that is restricted to an area on the court.

- These restricted areas have an attacking and defending player in them, each from an opposing team.

Alright, thats something very brief about how netball is played.
Since I talk about each team member is allocated to certain positions, lets have a look on all the positions. &what are the roles of each position.

Goal Shoot - GS
Goal Keeper - GK
Goal Attack - GA
Goal Defence - GD
Wing Attack - WA
Wing Defence - WD
Center - C
Center - C
The above table are the positions played during the match.

The roles of each positions are as follows:

1. GS (Goal shooter) - Moves in and around goal third and goal circle. Main role is to shoot goals and be available in goal circle. Communicates with GA. Defends GK (1 on 1). Short, sharp movements, shooting and rebounding are required skills.

2. GA ( Goal attacker) - Centre and attacking goal third are areas GA can move. Work with GS, able to shoot for goal as well. Works closely with WA to gain centre pass and feed GS. Defends GD (1 on 1). Skills required are being able to use space wisely, communicating with WA, shooting and rebounding.

3. WA (Wing Attack) - Able to move in attacking goal third and centre third, but not in goal circles. Key deliver ball to shooters - often needed at centre pass. Defends WD (1 on 1). Skill required are quick dodges, passing, footwork, vision and sharp movements in small areas.

4. GK ( Goal keeper) - Defend area of goal third and any attacking player, esp GS. Take throw-ins. Skills of anticipation, interception, rebounding and 1 on 1 defence.

5. GD (Goal defence) - Defend direct opponent GA, in goal third and centre third. Work with GK in goal circle. Support court attack, skills same as GK.

6. WD (Wing defence) - Works in centre and defence thirds. 1 on 1 defence against WA. Used as an attacker at centre pass and through court to attack transverse line. Skill mainly 1 on 1.

7. C(Centre) - Can move over the WHOLE court except goal circle, acts as a link player between defence and attacking. Uses 1 on 1 defence against opposing centre. Skills of passing, footwork and vision.

Last but not least, without rules, what is game?

Some of the main rules are :

1)Once the player has caught the ball only two steps may be taken

·2)A player can only hold the ball for three seconds.

3)A defending player must be three feet away from an attacking player with the ball.

4)Only two positions on the court can shoot

5)Shots can only be taken from within the semicircle

Yeap that's all about the sports netball! But the most important thing on match is about teamwork and effort we put in.
Not only in netball I guess, in every sports and everything we do! :)

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